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HLA campaign to keep right for leaseholders to install their own windows

It is all the more important that leaseholders’ views on fire door safety be taken into account now that HfH are proposing to scrap the policy that allowed leaseholders to replace their own doors and windows under certain reasonable conditions if they felt this was a better option for them than leaving it to HfH. This concession was only won after a hard-fought campaign by the HLA back in 2008 and the HLA won’t stand by while it is scrapped unnecessarily. Fire safety is obviously important, even paramount, but that doesn’t mean that common sense should be thrown out of the window. All of this will be coming to a head when the Council meets to take a decision, probably in June. The HLA will be mounting a campaign. Please email ‘Chair@...’ with your name and address so that we can add you to the list of those in our deputation to the future Council meeting.

The text of the deputation will simply run:

“We oppose the scrapping of the policy allowing leaseholders to replace their own doors and windows.”

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