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'No' to sky-high bills in a recession

The HLA has begun to see concern from leaseholders in estates that had been scheduled for demolition under the infamous 'Haringey Development Vehicle' plan and which still require large investment to bring them up to standard.

The bills being proposed under the s20s that have been received are disproporionate in a time of unprecedented economic adversity and could tip many leaseholders into poverty. The casualness with which HfH have sent out these notices, without even specifying an approximate start date, does not give confidence that they are reliable in any way, particularly as, across the borough, substantial delays and uncertainty over timing is now the norm. Some leaseholders have been waiting years for the start of promised works; some leaseholders have been waiting similar lengths of time for final invoices to be sent out so that they can begin contesting them and yet others have been charged up-front for work that, years later, is still outstanding. This has to stop.

The HLA is particularly interested to hear from anybody in the following list of 17 estates that were originally due for demolition: Love Lane, Northumberland Park, Broadwater Farm, Somerset Close, Lido Square, Moira Close, Brookside House, Turner Ave, Park

Grove, Tredegar Rd, Tunnel Gardens, Cranwood Houses, Leabank and Lemsford, Reynardson Court, Imperial Wharf, Sky City and Page High.

Alternatively please contact Melanie Scagliarini on 07739 699 363



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