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Letter-writing campaign on doors and windows

Next Tuesday 10th November Haringey Council Cabinet will meet to discuss a report that will remove leaseholders right to install their own windows and doors. The HLA has been fighting hard on your behalf to get this proposal reconsidered and will be present at the meeting to try and put your case. Right now we need your help with a letter-writing campaign to make Councillors realise the depth of feeling on this issue.




                                   Please go to and send send the following text (or your own) to your local Councillors and the Cabinet members listed out below:


                                    "The Council is proposing to remove leasholders' rights to install their own windows and doors. This is a very unpopular move with leaseholders. It is also unnecessary and counterproductive. It will not lead to greater security for either residents or the Council. In fact it will directly place vulnerable groups such as women and BAME residents at risk from insecure doors and windows in contravention of the Council's Equalities policy. It will no longer be possible to fix these in a timely manner. Further it will exacerbate tensions between leaseholders and HomesforHaringey. The consultation over this proposal has been inadequate and misleading. Leaseholders were not told how much they have benefited from this hard-won policy and their views were misrepresented to Councillors. In their consultation responses HfH have conceded that the Council is legally protected under the existing system even in the case of a major incident. This was their only real argument for instituting the change. To do so now would be therefore irrational and open to challenge."


If we work together we can stop this from happening. Thank you.

Sue Brown (Chair, HLA)

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