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High Rd West and Door-knocking in Northumberland Park

Even if the HDV is definitively abandoned leaseholders in High Road West will still have their homes knocked down under the plans for the new Spurs stadium. And Lendlease will be building what comes next. Leaseholders still have no clear idea of what the future will hold for them and their frustration over the lack of proper consultation is growing.


HLA stand up for leaseholders facing demolition

Vice Chair of HFH Board meets with HLA

On Friday 30th June the HLA committee met in the Civic Centre with Adzowa Kwabla-Oklikah, the leaseholder Board member for HFH and also now Vice Chair of the organisation. In a wide-ranging discussion lasting over two hours the HLA expressed its sincere hope for a fresh start in relations between the two organisations in the wake of the recent court settlement.Ms Kwabla-Oklikah acknowledged the experience and energy of the HLA and echoed the hope that there might be a new beginning. She undertook to ask for an urgent follow-up meeting to be convened as soon as practically possible.

Future of HFH back up in the air

As plans for the £2billion Haringey Development Vehicle (to 'regenerate' the borough) reach a critical point a potential spanner has been unexpectedly thrown into the works by the Homes and Communites Agency, the social housing regulator, who has cast doubt on the future of the Council’s ALMO, Homes For Haringey.  This will affect the privatisation going forward as the intention was ‘for HFH to work closely with the HDV’ according to HFH Board minutes from February this year.

HLA victory makes front page of Broadway Ham and High

Please follow this link for the full story including the bizarre claim that the HLA have never been recognised by HFH!!! HFH have now admitted in an email from their governance team that they got this wrong but are putting it all down just to a factual error (despite the tone of the rest of the piece)!

HFH and Council capitulate in JR

Homes for Haringey and Haringey Council have settled the JR brought by the HLA at the last minute on terms favourable to the HLA. They have agreed to quash their decision to scrap umbrella groups and to run the consultation again. They are paying all of their own costs which were already £50,000 as of the 1st of March. This is therefore a significant waste of public money and a badly-handled matter.


The Haringey Development Vehicle / Social Cleansing in Haringey

The Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV) is a joint venture company owned half and half by Haringey Council and a private developer (yet to be chosen but probably LendLease) which is due to redevelop on an epic scale (some £2 billion) mainly in the east of the borough.Several large Council estates are targeted for ‘regeneration’ and experience elsewhere shows that this means the destruction of communities with only very small numbers of the original residents remaining in the area after the project completes.

Problems at the Leasehold Panel

The Leasehold Panel is not working properly and has ceased to be an effective means of consultation with leaseholders. It has not elected its Chair for over three years (elections are supposed to be every year) and only met twice last year when the rules say it should meet at least four times annually.

HLA Judicial Review coming up next week

In March the HLA won permission from the High Court to have a full judicial review of the decision taken by the Board of HFH on 10.5.16  to  abolish recognition arrangements for umbrella groups. The hearing will now take place over two days on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th of June in the High Court on the Strand in London.

HLA win at High Court – Homes for Haringey criticised by High Court judge

Yesterday the HLA took a big step forward in their battle against Homes for Haringey over leaseholders' recognition rights. Mr Justice Fraser, sitting in the Administrative Division of the High Court gave HLA permission for a full Judicial Review against Homes for Haringey on both grounds they had advanced namely that


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