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Discrimination against leaseholders

HLA challenge discrimination against landlord leaseholders
One of the bizarre aspects of the sudden departure of the previous leaseholder board member is that the justification given by HfH is a radical departure from the generally accepted practice up until now. It turns out that a definition clause in the Articles of Association means that only leaseholders…

Consultation on cap on bills for major works

Consultation on cap on bills for major works
There is at present a major consultation underway which could see an automatic cap on major works bills. It is important that as many leaseholders as possible respond within the time-frame. Unfortunately the deadline is November 18th. Please see the template letter below, print off and send. (Also available as…

Goverment Minister's Concerns

Government minister expresses concern about treatment of leaseholders
Lynne Featherstone MP, the Lib Dem member for Wood Green and Hornsey and minister in the Department for International Development, has weighed in with her concerns about the way Haringey’s leaseholders are being treated. In a strongly worded letter to the Council’s Chief Executive she says she is ‘deeply disturbed’ by the ‘serious allegations’ of discrimination…


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